
Despite three years of rich experience and study on the Icon painting certificate of the Prince’s School of Traditional Arts, I am still very much at the start of my journey as an iconographer. I am blessed to have moved to Shrewsbury, England, and work in a studio near expert liturgical artists and icon painters, Aidan Hart and Martin Earle. Here, I can continue to study and learn, exploring this new world of Christian iconography and deepening my response as a Catholic artist.

Why have I chosen to paint icons? I am really following a path that was suggested to me a few years ago, and now weaves together many experiences and desires of my heart that I have carried since childhood.

As a young girl, I was drawn to the stories of the lives of the saints: young people like myself, who, in the ardent living of their faith, became, not supernatural beings disconnected from real life, but profoundly human beings: freed from themselves and in love with their humanity, in love with reality: the arena of which is the very place of encounter with Christ. The stories of the lives of the saints and a living relationship with them became the food of my early independant and vivid prayer life. Thus, my life has long been animated by cherished relationships with the saints; the icon offers that space of dialogue, where their lives are told and relationships are forged.

Secondly, the opportunity to paint icons came in the midst of great personal darkness and my studies and paintings have accompanied me through to the recovery of my life, living in a freedom and serenity that I had not known before.


I strive to communicate in my paintings something of what I have received in a journey towards hope: that reality is imbued by Relationship, and that to engage authentically with reality is to engage with love- the Love that gives sense and meaning to every human experience and each moment of living: freeing, elevating and redeeming it.

I hope this simple website is helpful to you; it is still under construction and will soon have more detailed information regarding the process of commissioning an icon, other projects etc. until then please feel most welcome to contact me with any inquiries you may have.

In Christ, may my life be an everlasting gift to the Father…
(from Eucharistic Prayer III)

Commissions and Projects


Assistant to Martin Earle: wall paintings, St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, Baddesley Clinton, UK.

Long-listed: Chiaya Art Awards 2020 (


Completed Certificate in Icon painting, Prince’s School of Traditional Arts, London.

The Holy Family panel icon- private commission, Cayman Islands
Mother of God panel icon- private commission, Cayman Islands
Teresia Benedicta a Croce- selected Shropshire Open Art exhibition, Shrewsbury
Mater Sacerdotes panel icon (2)- private commission
Maria, Stella Maris panel icon- personal devotion
Completed Advanced Diploma in Logotherapy accredited by PACFA (the Psychotherapists and Counsellors Federation of Australia)


Mater Sacerdotes panel icon- private commission, Seattle USA
Decoration of wooden screen; St. Mary’s church, Anmer, Sandringham Estate; assistant working under Aidan Hart.


Accepted for the Icon painting certificate, Prince’s School of Traditional Arts. Moved to Shrewsbury, England. UK.


Collaboration with photographer, Diana Markosian, for National Geographic online publication ,“Proof”exploring the religious experiences of pilgrims to Medjugorje, Bosnia.


Theatre backdrops, large-scale scenery (air-brushing and hand-painted) and devotional paintings produced as a member of Comunita Cenacolo, an international “school of life” for addiction rehabilitation. USA, Italy and Bosnia.

2004- 2011

Period of personal exploration of my faith


Primary school art teacher (volunteer) on Native American reservation of the Matis people, Turtle Mountain, North Dakota. USA


Bachelor of Arts: Drawing. Camberwell College of Fine Art, London.

artists palette